Charitable giving and grant in aid received by DCMS funded cultural institutions

Editor News

The report notes that:

  • Total fundraising income for DCMS funded cultural institutions in 2015/16 (including donated objects) was £439 million, a 15.6% decrease from £520 million in 2014/15.
  • When donated objects are excluded, their total fundraising was £418 million in 2015/16, a 0.9% decrease from £422 million in 2014/15.
  • The ratio of fundraising to Grant-in-Aid in 2015/16 was 49.7%, a similar level to 2014/15 (49.8%). This means that for every £1 of Grant-in-Aid cultural institutions funded by DCMS received in 2015/16, they generated 49.7 pence in fundraising and/or contributed income; and
  • When donated objects were excluded, the ratio of fundraising to Grant-in-Aid increased to 47.3% in 2015/16, compared with 40.5% in 2014/15.