Nominate projects for the Transport Trust awards

Editor News

Each year the Transport Trust [Alliance member] invites nominations for awards to assist individuals and groups who are working hard to preserve items of importance to the Nation’s transport heritage. Awards are made annually to high quality transport restoration projects which are well advanced but which could be helped towards completion by a cash injection and recognition from the Trust.

Awards generally come with a substantial financial lump sum up to £3000 which it is hoped will assist with making good restorations great. Award nominations are invited anytime but those lodged with the Awards Administrator no later than 1st October will be considered for award in the following calendar year.  An Award Panel will then select winners who will be advised in the early New Year, and award cheques will follow shortly afterwards.  Winners will also be invited to a high profile transport related location for an awards ceremony at Brooklands Museum where awards are presented by the Trust’s Patron, HRH Prince Michael of Kent.

In addition to the Restoration Awards nominations are also invited for the Trust’s personal recognition awards: Preservationist of the Year, Young Preservationist of the Year (which has a £500 prize) and Lifetime Achievement.  These awards enable the Trust to acknowledge and publicise a wide range of endeavours in the cause of transport preservation, from management or administration to hands-on restoration work.

Further details are available on the Transport Trust’s website or from the Awards Administrator, Paul Brook: 07979 720466 or