Holme Pierrepont Hall: HLF project manager

Editor News

Closing date: September 29th  Interviews:  October 6th

Holme Pierrepont Hall has been successful in obtaining a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to carry out certain repairs to the garden walls, to hold several related activities, supervise historic research & interpretation and recruit volunteer guides. The purpose of this project officer position is to organise and coordinate all the prescribed activities relating to the whole project and to ensure that all required project outputs and outcomes are achieved.

The Pierreponts first arrived in Nottinghamshire when Henry Pierrepont married Annora de Manvers in 1280.  She was the sixth generation of her family to live here and there has been continuity ever since. The present house was built in 1500 by Sir William Pierrepont from brick and is amongst the most important historic buildings in the county.

Holme Pierrepont Hall is still a private house lived in by descendants of the original family and has been open to the public on a regular basis since 1974.  The house has over five centuries of heritage and thirty acres of historic garden and parkland.  This project focuses on crucial elements of the fabric of this country house and will promote and provide training in heritage craft skills.  The Grade I, 16th century Courtyard wall will be investigated, recorded and repaired.   We will also investigate the landscape gardens, possibly by Nesfield, to conserve the history of Nottinghamshire and improve the pleasure and educational experience for our visitors.

We are seeking to appoint a freelance consultant to lead on the delivery of project for a 15 month period.  You will have proven track record of public engagement and Heritage Lottery Fund project delivery.  You will lead the development and delivery of the activity programme, develop and create content for the interpretation scheme, and deliver improvements to the volunteer recruitment and engagement across the site.

Please send a CV and expression of interest addressing the Job Description and Person Specification to: Robert Brakenbury, Holme Pierrepont Hall, Nottingham NG12 2LD holmepierrepont@aol.com