HLF funding for community asset transfers

Editor News

The HLF [Alliance affiliate member] has published research​, undertaken by Locality, examining the extent of the funding HLF has provided for asset transfer projects. The research found that:

33% grant awards incorporate a transfer of the management or the ownership of land or buildings from LAs to community orgs
18% grant awards were for projects run by community organisations following a transfer of ownership or management
Since 2011 there has been an upward trend in the number of projects funded for community asset transfer (CAT). However, the value of individual awards has tailed off in the last two years with more, smaller value schemes of late.

Most project awards were made under the Start-Up Grants programme – 42%. Heritage Grants was the next most popular programme with 24%. For more substantial/advanced CAT projects, the upper limit of £100k for this grant programme would have been relevant.

The majority (40 – 42%) of community organisations supported have been classified by Locality as ‘Heritage Organisations’. The next most frequent organisation type was ‘Community organisation’ – (29%). In these cases, the heritage asset was more of a means to serve the needs of their local population rather than their core reason for being.