DCMS has now given a response to a petition calling for interim protection for buildings being considered for listing by Historic England. The petition, signed by nearly 7,000, comes after a developer destroyed a Jacobean ceiling to prevent a building being listed.
DCMS states: ‘Historic England is currently re-examining the issue of interim protection in the light of recent cases involving intentional damage to buildings prior to their assessment for listing, in terms of how the use and effectiveness of BPNs could be improved… [as well as] the case for revisiting the form of interim protection envisaged in the 2008 Heritage Protection Bill (and recently introduced in Wales). It will be discussing these with DCMS and Department for Community and Local Government (DCLG) officials in due course.’
As part of this work, the Alliance is collating examples of demolition during consideration for listing so we can better make the case for interim protection. Please send any examples over to policy@theheritagealliance.org.uk.