Code of Fundraising Practice – consultation response

Editor News

The Heritage Alliance has responded to the Fundraising Regulator’s consultation on Code of Fundraising Practice. The Code of Fundraising Practice and its associated Rulebooks for Street and Door Fundraising outline the standards expected of all charitable fundraising organisations across the UK. The standards were developed by the fundraising community through the work of the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) and Public Fundraising Association (PFRA).

We asked for clarification that the ‘three-ask’ limit in fundraising is still intended to apply to phone related fundraising only. We also endorsed the response of the Association of Independent Museums (Alliance member) which stresses the importance of ensuring that any changes to the code relating to Gift Aided donations do not have an unintended negative impact on the selling of Gift-Aided admissions to museums and heritage sites. We agreed that the best way of achieving this is to state in the Code that Gift Aided admissions are exempted from the general regulations on soliciting donations.

Since submitting our response the fundraising regulator has contacted the Alliance to arrange a meeting to discuss these issues.