Scottish Confucius Institute for Business & Communication at Heriot-Watt University joins the Heritage Alliance

Editor News

We would like to welcome to the newest Heritage Alliance member, the Scottish Confucius Institute for Business & Communication (SCIBC at Heriot-Watt University. The SCIBC is part of a global family of Confucius Institutes (broadly equivalent to a Chinese version of the British Council, and established in conjunction with Universities).

The SCIBC is developing a significant stream of activities related to the heritage and tourism sectors, based on promoting understanding, professional development, research and dialogue on areas mutual interest between the UK and China. These build on longstanding academic expertise and research undertaken at Heriot Watt University.  As part of these activities, the SCIBC is facilitating the creation of a China-UK Heritage Network, which will launch in 2017 with a focused mission to enable conversations, collaborations and knowledge exchange in heritage. Find out more

The Alliance looks forward to working with the SCIBC.