Looking ahead to Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2018 on 27 January, Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT) has produced free guides and resources to inspire museums and galleries to organise events and activities to mark HMD.
More than 7,700 local activities took place around the UK for HMD 2017. HMDT hopes to build on this by supporting more museums and galleries to get involved with HMD 2018.
This year’s theme is The power of words. Spoken and written words from individuals, corporations, community organisations or the state, can have a huge impact, whether good or bad. The theme for HMD 2018 explores how language has been used in the past, and how it is used in the present day.
As community-based organisations which regularly communicate powerful messages to the public, museums and galleries are often able to use collections and expertise in learning and interpretation to engage and inspire local communities. HMDT has produced a dedicated guide for Museums and Galleries with advice on how to mark HMD, available here.
Free Activity Packs are available to order from the HMDT website here, which include further guidance on how to plan an event or activity, posters for a display, a guide to the theme, a badge, stickers and an About HMD booklet. Further free resources, including education materials for different age groups, are also available.