Highgate Cemetery is looking for two new trustees

Editor News

Voluntary role, but reasonable expenses will be paid
Location: Highgate, North London

Founded in 1975, the Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust is the registered charity that operates and cares for Highgate Cemetery, London’s most famous Victorian burial ground, for the public benefit. The site is both a visitor attraction and an operational cemetery, but shortage of space means that creative solutions will be required to preserve its fabric and significance. With around 90,000 visitors a year and over 200 volunteers, the Trust is in a strong position to move forward. It is hard at work on a conservation plan, the foundation of the strategy which will guide this outstanding Victorian cemetery through the twenty-first century. This is an exciting time to be involved.

We are particularly interested in candidates who have skills and experience in finance and/or estate management, although those with other relevant skills are also encouraged to apply. Please see the role descriptions on our website.

Further details and to apply here.

Closing date for applications Friday 23 February 2018