BAFM is offering its biennial Travel Award. The winners may be either totally committed volunteers of any age (who devote many hours supporting their museum or gallery) or young professionals who are starting their careers in the museum world. Funded travel could be within the UK or abroad.
Applicants are asked to submit a short paper of not more than 500 words describing: What they hope to achieve by spending time at a particular venue; The benefits to their career or organisation; An indication of the total cost of the proposal in their submission.
The panel of judges will consider the idea behind the proposal, its likely success, and the ‘value for money’ the proposal represents. The winner will be invited, expenses paid, to the BAFM Conference to receive their prize. A detailed report to be published in The BAfM Journal is expected after the study period. Cut-off date for submissions 30th April 2018. Prize awarded at BAfM Conference Autumn 2018.
An application form may be downloaded from the BAFM website to send with your proposal to For general information contact Kate Kuhn