Government areas of research interest

Editor News

This is the first DCMS Areas of Research Interest (ARI) publication . It summarises the most important research questions facing DCMS.

These include:

  • Research on the economic and social impacts of heritage on local surroundings e.g. on house prices/businesses, increasing mutual understanding and cohesion etc.
  • Evidence to help understand the impact heritage can have on an individual e.g. the role of heritage in daily life and the relationship between heritage and identity, health and well-being.
  • Further analysis into the diversity of the museums sector (employees and volunteers), particularly at senior levels and visitors (by age, socio-economic background, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexuality).
  • Greater evidence of the wider impacts of museums (e.g. on physical and mental wellbeing, house prices, community cohesion).
  • Further research into the drivers of cultural engagement and participation, in particular by age, socio-economic background, disability, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality.
  • Research into evolving preferences and supply of culture due to technological innovations, in particular the role digital culture can play in reaching new and existing audiences.

MHCLG’s research interests include:

  • Evidence requirements linked to the Government’s Integrated Communities Strategy around what works to promote better integration at local levels, and removing the barriers to integration;
  • Exploring ways to measure, monitor and evaluate integration at a national and local level and working with other Departments to boost the quality of evidence on migration and integration impacts.