#HeritageChat – ‘What’s over the digital horizon for heritage?’

Editor News

April’s #HeritageChat was held on a digital theme. It explored the same question that was used for the Heritage 2020 Foresight workshop in March, ‘What’s over the digital horizon for heritage?’.

Heritage Chatters discussed how digital technology can be used to stimulate engagement with new audiences and better understand audience needs, how the sector can use data better to improve the services or experiences it provides, examples of the impact that digital technology is having on traditional skills, the (new digital) skills needs of the sector and how historic environment sector organisations can build on individual digital literacy to improve the digital maturity of organisations. Finally, people shared their ideas on the opportunities for the historic environment sector to forge partnerships with technology organisations.

You can find a summary of the chat at: https://twitter.com/HeritageChat/timelines/988426423542124544

And find out how to take part in future Heritage Chats (held at 13.00-14.00 on the third Thursday of each month) on the Heritage 2020 website: http://www.heritage2020.net/get-involved/heritage-chat/