Civic Voice publish results of a website poll asking “What should be the priorities for reforming the NPPF?”

Editor News

The website poll started on Monday 6th March to coincide with the launch of National Planning Policy Framework consultation.

Based on the survey of 458 votes cast so far,  the Civic Voice poll found (in order) communities wanting:
1. Green space better protected (35.33%)
2. Greater protection and clarification on “exceptional circumstances” for development in the green belt (23.33%)
3. Stronger protection against inappropriate development in a conservation area (9.11%)
4. Plan positively for high quality design (7.78%)
5. Stronger brownfield first for housing policies (7.11%)
6. Other (6.22%)
7. Community Right of appeal against granting of planning permission (5.78%)
8. Stronger curbs on out of town development (3.33%)
9. Earlier involvement of local communities through collaborative planning/neighbourhood planning (2%)