Culture is Digital report published

Editor News

DCMS has published its Culture is Digital report. The Alliance has worked with DCMS to submit examples of the heritage sector’s digital work and ideas for the future. The report aims to give museums, galleries, theatres and heritage organisations access to cutting-edge technology and digital skills training to help them reach new and diverse audiences.

The report makes several commitments, including:

Arts Council England and the Heritage Lottery Fund will invest more than £2 million to build the digital capacity of their sectors
The National Gallery will create an Innovation Lab to examine how museums and cultural organisations can use immersive media, such as virtual and augmented reality, to enhance visitors’ experiences.
The Royal Opera House will create an Audience Lab, which will work with diverse talent to create content using emerging technologies and develop cross-sector collaborations
Arts Council England, working with the Heritage Lottery Fund and partners, will create and pilot the use of a Digital Maturity Index for the cultural sector, to enable organisations to understand and benchmark their own digital capability and set plans in place to make improvements; and
Arts Council England, working with the Heritage Lottery Fund and partners, will work together to create a Digital Culture Code; a set of guidelines and principles which cultural organisations should sign up to demonstrate a commitment to developing their own digital maturity and the maturity of the wider cultural sector.