The Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain & Ireland (CRSBI): Chair of the Management Board

Editor News

The Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain & Ireland (CRSBI), an expanding Open Access database of the stone carving created during the century following the Norman Conquest [], wishes to appoint a successor to Nigel Clubb FSA, Chair of the Management Board, on his retirement at the end of April 2018.

The Chair of the Management Board is a prestigious executive role which involves chairing at least four meetings of the Management Board per year, usually in central London, and reporting to at least two Trustees’ meetings annually. Extra attendances may be required during the year, for example, at the Annual Lecture held at the Courtauld Institute in London in April, and at conferences and training events. The Chair and the Management Board also communicate and take decisions informally by email between meetings.

The role provides a unique opportunity to help shape the direction of the project, including its future academic home and information supplier. The role might suit a colleague contemplating leaving a full-time role and seeking new challenges, or one at an earlier stage in their career who would like to experience what is effectively a Chief Executive role. Full details of the post are available on the CRSBI website here.

Launched with British Academy support in 1988, CRSBI is a born-digital project which is using a customised interactive IT system to construct a fully illustrated, searchable, scholarly website of the Romanesque architectural sculpture surviving at over 5000 locations. Now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation [CIO], CRSBI is governed by a distinguished Board of Trustees and supported by a body of invited academic specialists. The project’s day-to-day operations are performed by the voluntary Management Board which is answerable to the Trustees, and whose tasks include the recruitment, training and organisation of the volunteer fieldworkers who record the sculpture. The Management Board, which is also responsible for maintaining the project’s academic standards, engages a small number of self-employed specialist editors to check fieldwork reports for accuracy and consistency before publishing them on the website.

Expressions of interest and a CV should be addressed to and are invited from applicants with expertise and an academic or professional qualification in the historic environment (art, architecture, archaeology, history, conservation), and an awareness of the requirements of managing a volunteer team. The closing date for applications is 12th February 2018. Interviews will take place in London during the week beginning 5th March 2018.