York Consortium for Conservation & Craftsmanship joins the Alliance

Editor News

The Alliance is delighted to welcome the York Consortium for Conservation & Craftsmanship as a member. York is a very special city; its history, archaeology and fine buildings owe much to a tradition of craft and conservation skills that are very much alive today. Many businesses employing conservators and craftsmen flourish here and in the city’s hinterland.

The Consortium exists to promote the craft skills, conservation knowledge and capabilities available in the York region, and to attract additional work and funding. The Consortium provides a networking focus and various services for its members. At a broader level it promotes the cause of heritage skills through research, lobbying and consultation and builds on York’s enviable reputation as a nationally and internationally recognised centre for conservation practice, research, and teaching.

In 1998 the Consortium established a charitable foundation, the York Foundation for Conservation & Craftsmanship. This has provided over 200 bursaries to assist with the development of heritage skills. These range from apprenticeship support, grants towards training and skills and for the acquisition of tools that can help a craftsperson or conservator move towards finer and more technically demanding work.

The foundation is proud to help some very gifted and committed individuals take advantage of national and international opportunities to expand their skills, networks and horizons.