Nominations now open for the 2018 Marsh Archaeology Awards

Editor News

The Marsh Archaeology Awards are annual awards, supported by the Marsh Christian Trust which showcase excellence in archaeology. Nomination is simple, just download and follow the instructions on the nomination criteria document here, then email your nomination to

Nominations are open until 24 September and winners will be announced at the CBA Archaeology Day and AGM, in November.

Three categories are awarded each year:

  • The Marsh Award for Community Archaeology recognises and promotes the results of research and/or fieldwork led by community groups which have made a substantial contribution to knowledge and wellbeing.
  • The Young Archaeologist of the Year Award is for a young person or group of young people under the age of 18 who have made an outstanding contribution to community archaeology.
  • The Community Archaeologist of the Year Award is for an individual who has inspired others to share their love of archaeology.

For more information, click here.