Heritage of London Trust Operations Ltd (HOLTOP): consultant

Editor News

Following the award of an HLF Resilient Heritage grant, the Heritage of London Trust Operations Ltd (HOLTOP) is seeking a consultant to lead, manage, and deliver project activities. The Resilience project aims to strengthen HOLTOP’s future, focus its direction, and share the organisation’s experience of managing heritage at risk with a wider audience.

The consultant will act as the HLF Project Officer, and report directly to the board of trustees. The project is scheduled to take 7 months from the end of November, and the Project Officer role is estimated to require approximately 2 days per week. As the post is grant funded, the appointment is by tender.

For a Project Outline and Role Description please email HOLTOP trustee, Rosie Fraser by close of business on Friday 9th November. rosiefraser@btinternet.com