Projects awarded for the Coastal Revival Fund announced

Editor News

Coastal heritage is an important asset for the UK and its communities. That’s why the Government has committed to support its regeneration since 2015, with the Coastal Revival Fund. The Fund helps coastal areas bring at risk heritage and community assets back into economic use. Every project could bid for £50,000 and on 26th November the 25 successful project were announced. Among them, were 6 sites classed by Historic England as ‘at risk’. This also proves the efficacy of the Heritage at Risk Register, whose 20th anniversary is celebrated this year (check out the news in this Update!).

The Fund is an important tool for regeneration, which can bring manifold benefits to the coastal communities. Deborah Lamb, Deputy Chief Executive of Historic England, said: “Restoring local gems can attract investment and help to tackle the deprivation that is a problem in a number of our coastal areas. There are great examples of restoration projects in our seaside towns, often bringing together the private, public, voluntary and social enterprise sectors. This funding will inspire more”.