Government announces £1 million funding to support the improvement of digital skills in charities

Editor News

The 2018 UK Charities Digital Skills Report showed that only 6% of charities consider their trustee boards to be digitally savvy. The report also highlighted that leaders need to better understand how digital skills can help them meet their targets.

The DCMS responded to that report by allocating £1 million funding for improving existing training programmes to support the improvement of digital skills for charities. The Digital Leadership Fund aims to give English civil society leaders’ free access to digital training, to boost their competences.

Applications for projects aiming to include digital skills in their training courses should be between £10,000 and £170,000 and applicants have to be based in England. Private sector organisations, charities, community-led businesses, social enterprises, public sector organisations and community organisations are eligible to apply (individually or in consortia). Deadline for applications is 7th December 2018.