Britain’s creative industries break the £100 billion barrier

Editor News

New figures reveal Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s sectors are now worth £268 billion.

The value of the creative industries to the UK is up from £94.8 billion in 2016 to £101.5 billion, and has grown at nearly twice the rate of the economy since 2010. Film, TV, radio, photography, music, advertising, museums, galleries and digital creative industries are all part of this thriving sector. Britain’s tourism sector makes up almost four per cent of the UK economy – worth £67.7 billion in 2017. The Alliance is currently looking at how heritage underpins creative industries such as film and tv. Members can get involved in this project by emailing

It is worth noting that the heritage sector is represented in the estimates by only one SIC code “91.03 Operation of historical sites and building and similar visitor attractions”.  It is therefore recognised that the published estimates are likely to include an underestimate for the Heritage sector.