Event Programme Manager for Open Gardens Squares Weekend 2019

Editor News

The Events Programme Manager will be required to deliver a professional organised programme of events across just over 100 gardens in the Inner London Borough, coordinating the efforts of hundreds of volunteers and site managers, concentrated on the weekend of 8 and 9 June 2019. By managing others, providing numerous supporting activities (for example placing Poets in Residence, securing catering contracts and other family related activities). Aiming for ticket sales of 9,000 (was 7,500 in 2018) using a budget of approximately £50,000 (including VAT) for project spend on print and logistics. The Weekend should deliver a surplus for the London Parks and Gardens Trust as its main fundraising activity for the year.

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Please submit by email an outline of your approach, costed deliverables including a breakdown of days across the project, and an explanation of your skills and experience appropriate to this brief (no more than 3 sides of A4) for Helen Monger, Director, London Parks and Gardens Trust at the earliest.  Please send your applications to: celia.mead@londongardenstrust.org and helen.monger@londongardenstrust.org