Research finds millions of young adults never visit museums, galleries or theatres

Editor News

Ahead of Heritage Day 2018, new research by our sponsor specialist insurer Ecclesiastical has revealed millions of young adults in the UK never visit heritage attractions. Key findings include:

Young people and heritage

  • Young adults prefer to stay in and watch TV or use social media than go out and visit a museum, gallery or theatre;
  • More than a third (36%) of 18-30 year olds never visit galleries, and almost a quarter (24%) never visit theatres. While just under one in five never visit museums (19%). Almost half (48%) never visit stately homes, while a third (33%) never visit castles;
  • People who were not taken to specific cultural locations as children, are far less prone to visit them as adults. For example, 60% of those who went to museums as children visit at least once a year now they are adults. While those who never visited museums as children, 69% never go as adults;
  • The survey found cheaper tickets, greater variety of events and hands on activities are the top three changes that would encourage 18-30s to visit more regularly

The role of technology in engaging young people in heritage

  • If they were made available during their next visit, young adults would use VR headsets, digital displays, and interactive apps on their phones;
  • Over a third (34%) said a good online presence would encourage them to share their experiences of heritage organisations on social media;
  • Interestingly, over half (52%) of those who had had visited a heritage organisation online said the digital experience inspired them to want to visit in person.