English Tourism Week 2019 – get involved.

Editor News

English Tourism Week (ETW) is being held from 30th March – 7th April 2017 and is the key advocacy event the tourism calendar. As heritage is the bedrock of the tourism industry, ETW is a great way for the heritage sector to show the revenue and employment generated by heritage attractions and organisations. There are two ways of doing this:

Working with the Tourism Alliance every MP in England has been written to, informing them of the value of tourism to their local economy and inviting them to show their support for ETW by taking part in constituency day on Friday 5th April. Heritage Alliance members are therefore invited to follow-up on this invitation by contacting their local MP and encouraging them to visit you on this day so that you can explain the benefits of tourism.

As part of ETW, the Tourism Alliance is also holding the second ETW conference at the RAF Club in Piccadilly. This conference will feature a keynote speech by the Minister for Heritage and Tourism, Michael Ellis MP. As part of our new joint membership with the Tourism Alliance, Heritage Alliance members can attend this conference at the Member’s rate of £125 (+VAT). Those attending the conference will also be invited to a Parliamentary Reception that evening hosted by the Culture Secretary, Jeremy Wright QC MP.

You can find out more and book here.