Natural Capital Committee’s sixth annual report

Editor News

In the report, the NCC welcomes the 25 YEP and has provided advice on how best to meet its ten goals. Our single most important recommendation is that the 25-year plan must be placed on a meaningful statutory basis in the forthcoming Environment Bill
promised for this year. Without a credible statutory underpinning, the 25 YEP may end up as yet another interesting document on the shelf. The Plan /as it currently stands has no official status. The NCC also recommends among other things;

  • a lead body should be designated, and given responsibility for overseeing the delivery of the Plan and its ten goals;
  • Three principles should drive the implementation of the 25 YEP: 1.public money for public goods; 2. the polluter pays; and 3. net environmental gain;
  • All government departments should be required to adhere to these three principles in the development and implementation of any policy relating to use of or impact on natural capital;
  • detailed and enforceable milestones need to be established for the 25 YEP; and
  • Proposals in the current metrics consultation fall short of what is required,with insufficient emphasis on the role of natural capital assets in achieving the ten goals in the 25 YEP.