Europa Nostra #Ode2Joy Challenge Call for Contributions

Editor News

Ahead of Europe Day on 9th May 2019, the President of Europa Nostra, Maestro Plácido Domingo, invites you to take part in the #Ode2Joy Challenge. Launched in January 2019 for the European Year of Cultural Heritage, it aims to celebrate the shared cultural past which gives Europe its positive sense of unified identity.

Creative contributions are welcome from anyone. Simply record your creation at a heritage site meaningful to you and share it on 9 May (Europe Day) on social media using the hashtag #Ode2joy and mentioning Europa Nostra’s accounts. You can also send your video by email to and the organisation will share it on social media for you.

You can spread the news on your website by including a link; or you can place an item in your newsletter, including the latest Press Release on Maestro Plácido Domingo’s call for contributions.