March HeritageChat: Technology and Innovation

Editor News

March’s #HeritageChat was led by Wessex Archaeology and explored all things technology and innovation in the historic environment sector. Participants discussed how technology is shaping research in the sector and what opportunities new technologies present for public engagement. There was also a focus on the digital skills that need to be developed in the sector, as well as how the sector can work together to deliver the goals of ‘Culture is Digital’.

You can read a collation of the Tweets in our summary of the chat here.

Many thanks to Wessex Archaeology (@wessexarch) for leading this month’s chat. If you have a topic for discussion or would like to take part in leading one of the monthly Twitter chats, please contact Caroline Peach at

The next Heritage Chat will take place on 18th April between 1 and 2pm – follow @HeritageChat to take part or click here.