April HeritageChat: ‘How can we improve the legacies of archaeological community engagement in place making?’

Editor News

The next Heritage Chat will take place on 18 April, between 1 and 2pm (UK time) and will explore the question- ‘How can we improve the legacies of archaeological community engagement in place making?

We are delighted that this chat will be led by the CIfA Voluntary and Community Special Interest Group (@VolComArch) who are also hosting a session at the CIfA 2019 conference on the above theme. The twitter chat will help to expand the conversation beyond the conference.

Please add any questions you would like to be explored during the chat to our google document. We will publish the questions that will be discussed a few days before the chat. Keep an eye out for them on @HeritageChat. We look forward to chatting with you.

Click here for further information on the monthly Heritage Chat.