Following strong interest and a strong field of applications over the past three years, the TWA Digitisation Grant has relaunched in 2019.
The fund is increasing this year with the primary winner receiving up to £6,000, the secondary winner up to £3,000 and shortlisted applicants up to £500 of match funding, to support them in digitising their holdings.
The TWA Digitisation Grant opens on 19th June 2019 and welcomes applications from UK archives, libraries, museums and galleries. The Grant can be used to fund the digitisation of bound books, manuscripts, oversize maps and plans, 35mm slides, microfilm/fiche, glass plate negatives, and other two-dimensional cultural heritage media.
The deadline for applications is 28th July 2019 with announcements of winners at the ARA Annual Conference on 28th August 2019.
To find out how to apply and for more details please click here.