This month’s chat will take place on Thursday 17th October, 13:00-14:00.
Both the 2017/18 and 2018/19 DCMS ‘Taking Part’ Surveys revealed that the 16-24 age group visited heritage sites less frequently than other age groups between 25 and 74.
The Heritage 2020 Public Engagement working group is currently exploring why this age group is under-represented in terms of engagement with heritage and going forward, it wants to ensure there is a greater emphasis on involving young people in all aspects of work in heritage and the historic environment.
As part of this, they are hosting a heritage chat to learn about all the work that is already happening and to source ideas from heritage professionals/students and others about what could be improved.
Add questions you would like to see discussed during the chat to our Google Doc here and make sure to follow @HeritageChat to take part. See for more information on how to get involved in a Heritage Chat.