2019 Sussex Heritage Trust Awards Launched

Editor News

The 2019 Sussex Heritage Trust Awards [Alliance Member] were launched at the Award-winning Weald & Downland Living Museum [Alliance Member] on Thursday 7th February 2019. The Gateway Project, a new 850sqm visitor reception facility for the museum, has received a total of five Awards from the Trust.

The launch of the Awards is an annual event to announce the official call for Award entries, which is now considered the most prestigious architectural and conservation programme in East & West Sussex and Brighton & Hove.

The Gateway Project, described by the Award judging team as a “superb and welcoming space, thoughtfully reflecting the site and features of the museum”, reflects the aims of the Awards to recognise and reward high quality conservation, restoration and good design.

The Chairman, Dr John Godfrey, DL, said:

“As a small charity we are very grateful to our sponsors, in particular Thesis and Toovey’s, who have helped us launch the prestigious 2019 Sussex Heritage Trust Awards. The Awards go from strength to strength with record number of entries and a sold-out Awards luncheon and ceremony in 2018.  I now look forward to receiving entries to the 2019 Awards.”

The winners of the 2019 Sussex Heritage Trust Awards will be presented by the President of the Trust, Lord Egremont, on Wednesday 3rd July at 12.30pm at Pangdean Old Barn, Pyecombe.  The deadline for Entries is Thursday 28th March 2019, to enter the Awards please go to: www.sussexheritagetrust.org.uk or email: info@sussexheritagetrust.com.