Action plan for museums/ partnership framework

Editor News

DCMS has published an action plan for how it will support museums in England and also a partnership framework to guide national museums.

The Mendoza Review: an independent review of museums in England sought to answer the question, how can government create an environment in which museums can flourish? This Action Plan sets out how government supports this ‘flourishing’ environment, through DCMS working with Arts Council England, the Heritage Lottery Fund, Historic England and other government bodies, for each of the nine priorities for museums set out in the Mendoza Review.

The Partnership Framework was developed by the National Museum Directors’ Council in response to the recommendation in the Mendoza Review that partnership working between museums should be more strategic. The Partnership Framework sets out actions being taken by the national museums, working with government and Arts Council England to address this recommendation.

In the absence of additional funding to deliver the Partnership Framework, the aim is to find practical and low-cost solutions to identified needs. This may be in the form of, for example, extending existing networks or programmes, linking up activities where practical, or seeking external funding for new partnership projects.