Apprenticeships #HeritageChat

Editor News

October’s #HeritageChat will take place on 18th October, 13.00-14.00 on the theme of Apprenticeships and is being led by the Historic Environment Apprenticeship Trailblazer group tweeting as @HeritageChat.

Our GoogleDoc is open for suggestions until Monday 15th October – please add questions relating to Apprenticeships in the Historic Environment sector that you’d like to discuss:

We’ll share the questions selected for use in the chat through @HeritageChat and @Heritage2020 in the run-up to the session on the 18th.

#HeritageChat is held on the third Thursday of each month. For more information on taking part, please see

To suggest themes for future #HeritageChats, or to take a lead in a chat please email Caroline Peach