April HeritageChat: ‘How can we improve the legacies of archaeological community engagement in place making?’ – Heritage Chat Summary Now Online

Editor News

The April #HeritageChat was led by  the CIfA Voluntary and Community Special Interest Group and explored how the legacies of archaeological community engagement in place making can be improved. Discussions focused on what exactly is meant by ‘place making’ in this context and what it means to communities in practice. Also explored was the role archaeology can play in influencing the design of new places before construction, and particularly, in consideration of health and well-being. Catch up on all the discussions here.

The topic was explored in further detail at a session of the CIfA 2019 conference where comments made during the chat were also discussed.

The next Heritage Chat will be held on the 16 May 2019 between 1 and 2pm – follow @HeritageChat to take part. We’re always keen to hear from people who have a topic for discussion or who would like to play a part in leading one of these monthly Twitter chats. Please contact Caroline Peach, heritage2020@theheritagealliance.org.uk if you’d like to take part.

Click here for further information on the monthly Heritage Chat.