Backing Beauty Commission closes

Editor News

Last week the Heritage Alliance attended a Backing Beauty reception on Monday at which the Rt Hon John Hayes MP, Minister of State for Transport gave a speech.  Dame Helen Ghosh of the National Trust [Alliance member] also spoke. You can see highlights of the evening on Twitter under the hashtag #webackbeauty.

The reception celebrated progress on promoting beauty as part of the debate on housing and planning, and public policy more broadly, since the launch of the initial Community Right to Beauty paper in July 2015 and over the course of the Commission’s activity since April last year.

The Backing Beauty Commission was always intended as a time-limited, 12-month project, and having run since April 2016, it will now come to a close. However, ResPublica, together with partners, in particular the National Trust and the Woodland Trust, will continue to make the case for beauty as a social good which should be actively promoted by Government.