Belper North Mill Trust: Chair

Editor News

The Belper North Mill Trust runs the Derwent Valley Visitor Centre and a small, independent museum in ‘Strutt’s North Mill’, a former cotton-spinning mill in Belper, Derbyshire within the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site and is facing challenging times as its current lease and associated funding come to an end.

The Trust seeks a new Chair and Trustee who will lead the charity through an important phase of development and change to secure a vibrant future for our organisation.

The Chair will lead the Trust to raise its profile and will champion the organisation as its lead representative with partners, stakeholders and related organisations and in promoting the role of the Trust as the heritage provider in any proposed developments concerning the future of the site. They will also be the public face of the Trust in its relations with the media.

The Chair will provide leadership and direction to the Board of Trustees, enable the Board to fulfil its responsibilities for the overall governance of the organisation and its effective management and ensure the implementation of its five-year Strategic Plan 2017-2022.

Trustees are appointed for a three-year term and may be re-appointed.

Applications for this position will close at 5.00pm on Thursday 31 August 2017. Candidates will be invited to meet members of the Board in the week beginning the 25 September for discussions and conversations.

For further information please see the Strutt’s North Mill website: