Brexit White Paper Published

Editor News

Following the discussions at Chequers, the Government has published their Brexit White Paper, which details their approach to Brexit.

It includes number of areas relevant to Heritage interests:

The White Paper propose ‘Cooperative Accords’ in 5 areas, which would provide for strategic approaches to continued cooperation between the UK and the EU, including ‘Culture and Education’ and ‘Science and Innovation’. On culture, they wish to see an accord that:

“a. provides for UK participation in EU programmes, and allows UK institutions to be partners, associates, or advisers to EU projects and vice versa;
b. facilitates continued UK membership of EU cultural groups and networks;
c. supports the restitution of cultural objects where these have been unlawfully removed; and
d. allows for the temporary movement of goods for major events.”

Within this, they have stated that they are interested in participating in the successor scheme to Erasmus+, as well as continued involvement in Creative Europe. They have also acknowledged that ‘The temporary movement of goods and equipment is a priority for cultural, creative and sports sectors’, specifically referencing ‘objects and collections loaned between museums’.

The White Paper also proposes a similar ‘Cooperative Accord’ on ‘Science and Innovation’. Within this, the Government states that ‘the UK wishes to explore possible associations in research and innovation programmes, including Horizon Europe.’

Furthermore, the Paper proposes reciprocal visa-free travel arrangements to enable UK and EU citizens to continue to travel freely for tourism, as well as a UK-EU youth mobility scheme to ensure that young people can continue to enjoy the social, cultural and educational benefits of living in each other’s countries.

The Paper also proposes ‘a system for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications, enabling professionals to provide services across the UK and EU’.

The guide also clearly states “The UK will be leaving the CFP and CAP”, and strongly re-commits to delivering ‘improved environmental outcomes through its replacement for CAP.’

Other key points include

  • An air transport agreement
  • New independent policies to support farming and fishing communities, using the using the ‘Shared Prosperity Fund to spark a new wave of regeneration in the UK’s towns and cities, and keeping citizens safe’.
  • State aid limitations and a common rule book
  • No hard border between Ireland and Nothern Ireland
  • Free trade area for goods
  • Special Status for Irish Citizens

The full White Paper is available here.