Local authority development – effect of planning permission

Editor News

The Government will proceed with a proposal in the housing white paper (question 5) to allow all local authorities to dispose of land with the benefit of planning permission they have granted themselves. The Government has published a summary of the responses received and its own response. …

Housing Debate

Editor News

Dominic Raab, Minister of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government stated that the Government will be consulting on changes to the NPPF to reduce obstacles to home building. ‘As the House will know from the Secretary of State’s statement, we intend to consult on changes, for …

Government to allow building up on existing buildings

Editor News

The Government has said it will make it easier to build upwards on existing blocks of flats and houses as well as shops and offices in cities like London and Manchester. For example, an additional 2 levels could be added to a property – provided it was …

February #Heritage Chat – Diversity!

Editor News

The next #HeritageChat will be on 15 February 13.00-14.00 on the theme of Diversity in the Historic Environment Sector. A year ago, members of the Heritage 2020 working groups took part in a workshop on the same theme – working with a number of ‘critical …

CRSBI joins the Heritage Alliance

Editor News

The Heritage Alliance is delighted to welcome The Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture (CRSBI) as a new member. The CRSBI is a complete online record of all the surviving Romanesque sculpture in Britain and Ireland, at more than 5000 sites. Launched with British Academy support in 1988, CRSBI …

Breaking Ground Heritage (BGH) joins The Heritage Alliance

Editor News

We are delighted to welcome Breaking Ground Heritage (BGH) as a new affiliate member of the Heritage Alliance. BGH use archaeology and heritage based projects, to promote wellbeing and recovery to serving and veteran personnel, suffering physical and /or psychological traumas. They also provide support …

Highgate Cemetery is looking for two new trustees

Editor News

Voluntary role, but reasonable expenses will be paid Location: Highgate, North London Founded in 1975, the Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust is the registered charity that operates and cares for Highgate Cemetery, London’s most famous Victorian burial ground, for the public benefit. The site is …

Weald and Downland Museum: Development Manager

Editor News

Circa £36,000 per annum If you are looking to for a delightful and inspiring setting in which to demonstrate your fundraising skills then you need look no further! We are an award winning, internationally recognised Living Museum and have celebrated the grand opening of our …

National Trust: Historic Environment Advisory Group

Editor News

The National Trust’s Specialist Advice Network is looking for new members to join the Historic Environment Advisory Group, to share their unique expertise and act as critical friends. The Historic Environment Group is one of four voluntary Advisory Groups in the Trust which together cover …

Heritage and Health Survey

Editor News

Following the enthusiasm around last year’s debate on Heritage and Health we decided to produce a short briefing on how heritage supports health, which will be published later this year. If you were unable to attend the debate, you can now listen to the audio and view the …

Wildlife Licence Charges – consultation

Editor News

You need a wildlife licence from Natural England if you plan to disturb or remove certain wildlife or damage habitats. The focus of the proposal is on the licences issued to enable development activity, particularly in relation to impacts on European Protected Species (e.g. great …