Making Tax Digital – VAT

Editor News

Provide feedback on the draft legislation and VAT Notice that will introduce Making Tax Digital for VAT. The draft regulations provide that VAT registered businesses (including charities) must keep an electronic account of information specified in the amended regulations and use an approved form of software to …

Arts Council England ten-year strategy

Editor News

The Arts Council England is now calling on the public, the arts and culture sector and our other stakeholders to help shape their 10 strategy– including those individuals who don’t participate in the art & culture that the Arts Council currently invests in – about what …

Law Commission consultation on planning law in Wales

Editor News

The Law Commission has launched a twelve-week public consultation on its proposals to modernise and codify planning law in Wales, with a deadline for responses of 1 March 2018. The proposals would see listed building consent abolished and the issues considered in an application for planning permission.

England’s cathedrals’ future governance and funding

Editor News

A paper published on 17th January from the Church of England’s Cathedrals Working Group sets out new ideas on how cathedrals could be governed and funded. The Working Group was set up by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York after a small number of cathedrals …

Historic England contested heritage consultation

Editor News

Difficult or problematic heritage has been in the headlines recently. There are many views on how to best manage this heritage: preservation, reinterpretation, recontextualistion or removal. Historic England is consulting on draft guidance for those who own or manage heritage that now is contested in some way. …

British tourism set for record figures in 2018

Editor News

According to VisitBritain overseas visits to the UK are forecast to break through the 40 million mark for the first time in 2018, reaching 41.7 million, up 4.4 per cent on 2017, which is expected to see 39.9 million total visits.

Heritage Planning Case Database

Editor News

A reminder that Historic England’s case database can be used to search for appeal and call-in decisions relating to planning permission affecting heritage assets and listed building consent in England.

Protection of shipwrecks

Editor News

Lord Lingfield asked the Government what plans it had to provide additional funds to monitor and protect shipwrecks in the Exclusive Economic Zone as required by Article 9 of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. Lord Ashton of Hyde responded that ‘The …