Prime Minister’s speech to the Conservative Party conference

Editor News

The Prime Minister has set out her plan to help people achieve ‘the British dream’ in her speech to the Conservative party conference. The Prime Minister explicitly referenced the importance of the north’s industrial heritage – stating ‘Cities like Manchester were the pioneers that fired …

Prime Minster sets out Brexit vision in Florence

Editor News

Speaking about her Brexit plan in Florence the Prime Minister made a commitment to continue working in ways “that promote the long-term economic development of the continent”. To this end, she said the UK would want to continue to take part in specific policies and …

Heritage Counts: Heritage and the Economy published

Editor News

Heritage Counts has published Heritage and the Economy. This summarises findings from studies on heritage and economic activity and also introduces new research: the Heritage Economic Impact Indicator Workbook 2017. The findings have also been summarised in a set of regional heritage economy documents: Headline …

Wellbeing Inequality report

Editor News

What Works Wellbeing has published Drivers of wellbeing inequality. A briefing summarises the key points. Although the research wasn’t specifically looking for a link between heritage and wellbeing, it found one. The report has important findings for the sector: “Higher levels of engagement in heritage …

Celebrating 50 years of conservation areas

Editor News

September 28th marked 50 years since the very first conservation area came into being in Stamford, Lincolnshire. Five decades on, there are now 10,000 conservation areas in England; at least one in every local authority. To mark this special anniversary, Historic England is carrying out …

New report on farming post Brexit

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The Wildlife and Countryside Link coalition of 27 organisations, including the National Trust and CPRE [Alliance members] have argued that the current rules (CAP), are outdated and over-complicated. They fail to adequately support and reward farmers for managing land in a way that benefits wildlife, …

Latest taking part survey results published

Editor News

The latest results from the Taking Part adult and child surveys were published on 28th September 2017. These statistics cover the period April 2016 to March 2017. Adult Report In 2016/17, 74% of adults had visited a heritage site and 52% had been to a …

Independent review into the Creative Industries published.

Editor News

The Heritage Alliance was pleased to attend the launch of the independent review of the creative industries at which the importance of place and identity, to which heritage is integral, were stressed by Business Secretary Greg Clark. The review, commissioned by the government and led …

Autumn Budget 2017 – CTG submission

Editor News

The CTG has published its pre-Budget submission which identifies four key areas in which Government can support the charity sector. Working with charities to ensure the VAT system is fit for the future; Extending the Making Tax Digital charity exemption to wholly-owned charity trading subsidiaries …