Museums and galleries June visits

Editor News

DCMS has published the number of visits in June to museums and galleries it sponsors. In June 2017 there were a total of 3.5 million visits to the DCMS-sponsored museums and galleries. This is a decrease of 11 per cent (430,000 visits) compared with June 2016. This …

Home Secretary commissions major study on EU workers

Editor News

The Home Secretary has commissioned the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to examine the role EU nationals play in the UK economy and society. As part of the major study, the government’s independent advisers on migration will also look at how the UK’s immigration system should be aligned …

£15 million Northern Cultural Regeneration Fund

Editor News

Towns and cities across Northern England will be able to bid for a share of a new £15 million fund to help build a lasting regional legacy from the Great Exhibition of the North, Culture Secretary, Karen Bradley, has announced. Projects could include opening a new …

Government to strengthen data protection laws

Editor News

In a statement of intent the Government has committed to updating and strengthening data protection laws through a new Data Protection Bill. It is intended to provide everyone with the confidence that their data will be managed securely and safely. The Data Protection Bill will: Make it …

Giving to Heritage Training

Editor News

The main workshop programme has ended but other training is still available. One-to-one-support sessions: Free one-hour sessions with one of our expert trainers. Find out more and book here. Social Investment support sessions: Free one-hour sessions with our Social Investment partners. Find out more here or complete this survey …

Response to proposed changes to DCMS Statistical Publications

Editor News

The Heritage Alliance has responded to DCMS’ consultation on proposed changes to DCMS Statistical Publications The response suggests ways which the statistics produced by DCMS can better reflect the work of the Heritage Sector. DCMS recently published the official statistics used to provide an estimate of the contribution of …

Response to OTS review of VAT

Editor News

The Heritage Alliance has responded to the office of tax simplification (OTS)’s review of VAT. Based on the work of the cut the VAT coalition the Alliance has suggested to the OTS how VAT could be simplified so as to create a better environment for protecting England’s …

Nominations for Ecclesiastical’s Heritage Heroes Awards 2017 now open

Editor News

England’s heritage sector simply couldn’t function without the hard work and dedication of its volunteers. Research found that in 2015 8% of people volunteered their time in the heritage, museum or library sectors equating to roughly 4.2 million people. Ecclesiastical’s Heritage Heroes Award is the Heritage Alliance’s …