Lambeth Council: Activities Coordinator for Norwood Cemetery

Editor News

Lambeth Council is looking for an Activities Coordinator for Norwood Cemetery who can look outwards and identify new audiences for the cemetery. The role will be on a 3-day basis for 18months fixed term contract (pro rata salary of £34,254) This is an exciting opportunity …

CIF – Visas & Immigration Consultation

Editor News

CIF is calling for help with its upcoming report on visas and immigration, to be launched in autumn 2017. Please answer their survey to feed into this report. This work will demonstrate to the Home Office what the sector needs. It is important that the …

Lords Citizenship and Civic Engagement Committee seeks views

Editor News

The Select Committee on Citizenship and Civic Engagement has published its Call for evidence. Interested parties and organisations are invited to submit written evidence to the Committee by 8 September 2017. The aim is to identify new ways of building bridges within and between communities, …

Transferring Apprenticeship Levy funds

Editor News

The Charity Tax Group report that the Education and Skills Funding Agency is investigating a potential feature within the apprenticeship service: A way for levy-paying employers to transfer apprenticeship funds to any other employers. Under the proposal recipients of transferred funds would be able to …

AHRC Heritage Futures Research Programme Update

Editor News

The AHRC-funded Heritage Futures Research Programme, with which Heritage Alliance have been collaborating, is now into its third of four years. The Research Programme is distinctive in its comparative approach which aims to bring heritage conservation practices of various forms into closer dialogue with the …

The Philip Webb Award 2017

Editor News

Named in honour of the SPAB’s co-founder, architect Philip Webb, the Award encourages and celebrates the sympathetic reuse of old buildings and sensitive new design in an historic context. It’s a unique opportunity for students and architects in the early stages of their career to …

Free digital learning for UK charities

Editor News

Clear Lessons Foundation has launched a new digital platform which provides free, video learning resources for UK charity workers and volunteers. It provides more than 1,200 bite-size educational, learning and development opportunities for the 13 million staff and volunteers currently working in the sector. Its …

New Chief Executive at The Churches Conservation Trust

Editor News

Peter Ainsworth, Chairman of The Churches Conservation Trust [Alliance member] (CCT) has announced the appointment of Peter Aiers as the new Chief Executive of the CCT. Peter joined the Trust in 2007, initially as Major Projects Manager. He led and built the award winning regeneration …