Aviation Strategy Consultation

Editor News

The Government is consulting on developing a new Aviation Strategy for the UK.  This strategy will be very important for national and regional tourism growth. The strategy aims to set out aviation policy until at least 2050 and aims to ensure that the UK has a …

AHF appoints new CEO

Editor News

The Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) is delighted to announce the appointment of Matthew McKeague as its new Chief Executive. Matthew will join the AHF from the Churches Conservation Trust where, as Director of Regeneration, he leads a highly successful team developing innovative new uses for …

Call for nominations to the UK Memory of the World Register

Editor News

UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme seeks to encourage the preservation of, access to, and awareness of, the world’s documentary heritage.  An important part of the Programme is its Registers, which recognise documentary heritage of outstanding significance. Nominations are now being invited for the UK Memory of …

More Green Belt being lost without tackling housing crisis

Editor News

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) [Alliance member] has revealed a significant increase in houses planned for the Green Belt, and yet most of these houses will be unaffordable to those who need them. CPRE’s annual Green Belt Under Siege report shows that more than 70% of houses …

HS2 details published

Editor News

Secretary of State for Transport has set out the latest detail on HS2. The Phase 2a High Speed Rail (West Midlands – Crewe) Bill  seeks the powers to construct HS2 from the West Midlands to Crewe so that this important section, which links up to the …

It’s nationwide Church Tourism Week

Editor News

National heritage charity The Churches Conservation Trust [Alliance member] is running Church Tourism Week, an annual celebration of historic churches, takes place nationwide this week. The week-long programme of events and activities for all ages is a celebration of our outstanding architectural heritage and an invitation …

Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing

Editor News

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPGAHW) was formed in 2014 and aims to improve awareness of the benefits that the arts can bring to health and wellbeing. During 2015–17, the APPGAHW conducted an Inquiry into practice and research in the arts …

UK retains position in soft power index

Editor News

The soft power 30, a global ranking of soft power has been published by Portland and USC Center on public diplomacy. It can take many generations to build soft power. So it is no surprise that the results of the 2017 Soft Power 30 index are …