Charity Today 2017

Editor News

The Charity Today report provides an overview of the charity sector, how it operates, how it’s changing and what’s going on with charity today. There are over 160,000 registered charities in England and Wales and many, many more informal charitable groups. The overall income of …

European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018

Editor News

The European Council and European Parliament representatives have come to a provisional agreement on making 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage.The year will be supported by EUR 8 million and is intended to: to promote cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and social cohesion; to highlight the …

Lottery funding for “Bats in Churches” partnership project

Editor News

The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has approved the first stage and initial funding for the 5 year “Bats in Churches” partnership project, bringing together wildlife and heritage conservation and church organisations to save bats and protect churches. The partnership includes Natural England, Church of England …

Parks face threat of decline with severe consequences

Editor News

The House of Commons Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee report on public parks warns that parks are at a tipping point and face a period of decline with potentially severe consequences unless their vital contribution to areas such as public health, community integration and …

16th century masterpiece at risk of leaving the UK

Editor News

Culture Minister Matt Hancock has placed a temporary export bar on a 16th century masterpiece by Parmigianino, to provide an opportunity to keep it in the country. This exceptional artwork is a rare example of a religious easel painting from the last decade of the …

Latest ‘Taking Part’ statistics

Editor News

The latest results from the Taking Part survey for the period October 2015 to September 2016 have been published. The key findings from the report are: Engagement with the arts was 77% similar to the proportion when the survey was first run in 2005/06 (76.3%); …

Housing White Paper and the heritage sector

Editor News

The Government has published its housing white paper ‘Fixing our broken housing market’ setting out its vision to ‘reduce the obstacles to house building and help local authorities, developers and SME builders build the homes Britain needs’. The White Paper only mentions heritage four times …

Community Assets Round Table

Editor News

The Heritage Alliance was one of four heritage organisations to attend a Government round table on community assets. The meeting was very positive and was attended by a representative from 10 Downing Street. Attendees examined what more can be done to remove barriers to using …

The Heritage Alliance is now on Facebook!

Editor News

The Heritage Alliance now has a Facebook page. Why not like us to be kept up to date with all the latest heritage news.  We would be grateful if members could share our Facebook page with their followers. The Heritage Alliance page will also highlight …