Jerwood’s New Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit for Arts Employers

Editor News

Jerwood Arts and Bridge Group have worked together to create a Toolkit that looks “to support long-term change across the arts sector by sharing knowledge, facilitating expert support, and encouraging take up of an inter-sectional approach to equality, diversity and inclusion.” The Toolkit features case studies from …

Meet the First Three Fellows at West Dean College of Arts

Editor News

West Dean College of Arts and Conservation [Alliance member] have announced that they have introduced three Fellowships at the College for the first time. Active supporters of the College and distinguished within their sphere, Jonathan Ashley-Smith, Rebecca Salter RA and Dawn Ades OBE were announced …

Building the Future

Editor News

On 20 June, Historic England released its new Corporate Plan for 2019-22. Outlining Historic England’s six main priorities, the Corporate Plan provides a high-level summary about how they distribute their resources, including staff and direct costs such as grants. As Historic England states “The new …

New Body Set to ‘Tackle Social Injustices’

Editor News

On 12 July, the Prime Minister announced a new independent body, which will be charged with challenging social injustices to create a “fairer country”. The Office for Tackling Injustices, OfTI for short, will aim to provide future Governments with more effective, data-driven, evidence-based challenges to …

Growing Lives: New Grants Programme From All Churches Trust

Editor News

The All Churches Trust [Alliance member], have launched a new grants program called Growing Lives. By supporting churches and Christian organisations, the grants aim to encourage church growth and improve lives by supporting children and young people within their communities. Applications are still open, with …

RIBA International Prize 2020

Editor News

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) [Alliance member] have opened the RIBA International Awards for 2020 to “celebrate buildings that change the world”. They are diverse, highly respected awards judged by international experts in their field, including architects and non-architects. Architects are able to enter for …

The Decision Maker Panel June 2019 Results Are Out

Editor News

The Decision Maker Panel was established in August 2016, created by the Bank of England in partnership with Professor Nicholas Bloom of Stanford University and Professor Paul Mizen of the University of Nottingham. Made up of senior executives from different industries across the UK, data …

Royal Holloway: Re-thinking Indigenous Heritage

Editor News

Academics at Royal Holloway, University of London [Alliance Members] have been working on a transatlantic project concerning indigenous cultural heritage in Bolivia. Dr Henry Stobart, together with US-based anthropologist Michelle Bigenho, have written several articles and are currently working on two books on the subject. …

Churches Conservation Trust – Workshops

Editor Events, News

The Churches Conservation Trust [Alliance member] has arranged a series of workshops associated with Historic England’s Taylor Review Pilot (for the 2017 Taylor Review: Sustainability of English Churches and Cathedrals). The next sessions will be taking place on Monday 29th July in Greater Manchester and Suffolk: Planning and Managing Change …