New Stone Heritage Register Published

Editor News

Stone Federation [Alliance member] is delighted to announce publication of The Stone Heritage Register 2019/20. The Stone Heritage Register is an invaluable resource from the Stone Heritage Group, part of Stone Federation. This resource has been created to provide heritage architects, local authorities, contractors and clients with …

Police Clarify Their Stance on Historic Vehicle MOT Exemptions

Editor News

Following a recent incident where the driver of an historic vehicle was erroneously given notice of intended prosecution by a police officer, The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (The Federation)  [Alliance member] has made efforts to avoid similar incidents by contacting the parties responsible seeking clarifications. …

RIBA Publishing: Rescue & Reuse

Editor News

The power of creativity and community championed in new RIBA [Alliance member] publishing release Rescue and Reuse: Communities, Heritage and Architecture Quietly playing vital roles in the lives of the public, the UK’s historic buildings influence our cultural identity more than we may realise. Rescue and …

Prittlewell princely burial secrets revealed in new research

Editor News

MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) [Alliance member] has published two new books with research revealing previously hidden insights into the Prittlewell princely burial and the Saxon man buried. In 2003 MOLA archaeologists excavated a small plot of land in Prittlewell, Essex. They discovered an astonishingly well-preserved …

Cabinet Office Areas of Research Interest 2019

Editor News

This report is the Cabinet Office ‘Areas of Research Interest’ (ARI), setting out their research priorities for the department’s work in 2019. The aim of this ARI is to accelerate engagement with external research communities working in these areas, strengthen relationships between internal expertise and external …