Archaeologists uncover unusual Cold War reminder

Editor News

An excavation, undertaken by Wessex Archaeology [Alliance member] uncovered an unusual Underground Monitoring Post (UGMP), dating back to the Cold War. Archaeologists excavating the site in Berkshire as part of the Wokingham Borough Council’s Major Highways Programme, uncovered the post after an anomaly was spotted …

Heritage and Wellbeing: Full Scoping Review

Editor News

What Works Wellbeing has just published a full scoping review following its research into the impact of historic places and assets on community wellbeing. Evidence has been found that heritage (historic places, assets, and interventions) can have positive impacts on our individual and community wellbeing, such …

JustGiving Removes Platform Fees for UK Charities

Editor News

Online fundraising platform JustGiving has just removed all fees for charities in the UK, following concerns raised last year over its charges for fundraising around major disasters. From this week (since 26th March), the 5% platform fee for charities will no longer be in use and JustGiving will …

UK Museums Reject Sackler Trust Grants

Editor News

The National Portrait Gallery has turned down a £1 million grant from the Sackler Trust amid their link to the US opioid crisis. Last week the National Portrait Gallery and the Sackler Trust said they had “jointly agreed not to proceed” with the donation. This followed a …

Cadbury Campaign

Editor News

A recent Cadbury campaign called ‘Freddo Treasures’ has been criticised by many UK archaeologists for promoting the looting of historical sites by unlicensed metal detecting. Cadbury’s took the website down following complaints. Michael Ellis called the campaign “irresponsible” and DCMS has reportedly invited Cadbury UK …

DCMS to Develop Safeguarding Training for Sector

Editor News

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has announced that £1.2m from the government and the National Lottery Community Fund will be used to develop safeguarding training for the sector. This follows its appointment of a Safeguarding Programme Group last October. Mims Davies, the charities …

Erasmus+ Activities to Continue in the Event of ‘No-Deal’

Editor News

Last week, it was announced that the European Union is taking measures to ensure the continuation of Erasmus+ activities in the event of a no-deal Brexit. The Council has adopted a regulation which aims to ensure that: ongoing learning mobility activities under Erasmus+ programme which …

New Project to Focus on Creativity in Towns

Editor News

Arts Council England and Centre for Towns have launched a new collaborative project to understand how culture is funded and engaged with in towns across England. The project will examine the distribution of cultural infrastructure and how people take part in cultural activity. The initiative …

Tourism Alliance Releases Preliminary 2018 IPS Figures

Editor News

The Tourism Alliance [Alliance member] has presented the preliminary Interntional Passenger Survey (IPS) data for 2018 (released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)) in its Monthly Inbound Update. These figures overall indicated a downturn in inbound visitor numbers and visitor spend, with inbound visitor numbers down by …

Visit Heritage Awards 2019: Winners Announced

Editor News

Visit Heritage [Alliance member] announced the winners of its UK Heritage Awards 2019 this week at a ceremony at Grocer’s Hall in London. The awards recognise the finest historic houses, gardens, museums and heritage sites in the UK, as well as the best place to …

ALVA Publishes 2018 Visitor Figures

Editor News

The Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (ALVA) [Alliance member] has just announced its members’ visitor figures, prior to English Tourism Week. Their findings show that there has overall been a UK-wide increase in visitor numbers, despite the 4% drop in the number of overseas visitors to the UK last …

Giving To Heritage

Editor News

Giving to Heritage is The Heritage Alliance’s exciting training programme for fundraisers in the heritage sector. Working in partnership with the Institute of Fundraising, it represents a major step change in fundraising to help secure a productive future for many of our heritage assets. This training …