Help us to improve our Website!

Editor News

Our website update is gathering speed this year so we would like to hear from our website users on how they use our current website and what they would like to see in a new version. We have created a simple survey to allow visitors …

Heritage Alliance signs open letter against permitted development rights

Editor News

Following our objections to the Government’s plans to introduce new permitted rights, we have signed an open letter from the Local Government Association which asks the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government not to pursue proposals to allow for demolition of existing …

Connecting communities with place through infrastructure projects

Editor News

January’s #HeritageChat was led by CIfA’s Voluntary and Community Archaeology Group. It explored how infrastructure projects (e.g. HS2, A14, Tideway) can be used to connect communities with place. Twitter-ers discussed when (at what stage in a project) there’s greatest potential for engaging communities, with most …

Heritage and the creative industries case studies

Editor News

Does your heritage organisation work in partnership with the creative industries? Have you commissioned a piece of art or theatre, or told your stories through an augmented reality or virtual reality experience? If so, we’d love to hear more about it for a report The …

Sponsor our heritage and the creative industries report

Editor News

As many of you may have heard at Heritage Day, the Alliance is putting together a report on the important role of heritage and heritage organisations in underpinning and supporting the creative industries. As we move towards producing the report, we are looking for sponsorship …

New name and strategy for the HLF

Editor News

The Heritage Lottery Fund will now be known as The National Lottery Heritage Fund. This is intended to make a clearer link between playing the National Lottery and the good causes that benefit. The Big Lottery Fund, the UK’s largest community funder, changes its name to The …

Five areas to share £20 million to invest in culture

Editor News

Grimsby, Thames Estuary, Plymouth, Wakefield and Worcester will receive millions of pounds of funding to invest in culture. In the first government investment of its kind, Grimsby, the Thames Estuary, Plymouth, Wakefield and Worcester will use the funding on local cultural plans which are tailored to …

More funding to help town centres and high streets thrive

Editor News

Communities across the country can bid for up to £50,000 to help make local areas more attractive for business, High Streets Minister Jake Berry MP has confirmed. The latest round of the £500,000 British Improvement Districts (BIDs) Loan Fund will support business owners and local leaders …

Immigration and no deal

Editor News

If the UK leaves without agreeing a deal the Government will end free movement, and this will happen as soon as practically possible. The Immigration and Social Security (EU Withdrawal) Bill has been introduced to achieve this. An announcement has confirmed that, if there is no deal, there will …