CBA: Honorary Treasurer

Editor News

Voluntary and unremunerated: reasonable expenses reimbursed.

Location: Flexible

The Council for British Archaeology (CBA) is seeking to appoint a new Honorary Treasurer from November 2018. The CBA, based in York, is a UK-wide educational charity working to involve people in archaeology and promote the appreciation and care of the historic environment.

Working with the Chair, Trustees and Senior Leadership Team, the role of the new Hon Treasurer will involve:

  • overseeing the strategic financial management of the charity to ensure that the CBA achieves a financially sustainable position and builds appropriate reserves;
  • overseeing and presenting budgets, internal management accounts and annual financial statements to trustees;
  • leading in the trustees’ duty to ensure that proper accounting records are kept, financial resources are properly controlled, invested and economically spent, in line with good governance, legal and regulatory requirements;
  • leading in the development and implementation of financial reserves, cost‐management and investment policies;
  • liaising, where applicable, with the appropriate member of staff responsible for the financial activities of the organisation;
  • monitoring and advising on the financial viability of the charity;
  • overseeing the implementation of and monitoring specific financial controls and adherence to systems;
  • advising on the financial implications of the charity’s strategic plan;
  • overseeing the charity’s financial risk‐management process;
  • board‐level liaison with the external auditors on specific issues such as the Auditors’ Management Letter and the related board representations.

The CBA is seeking someone with appropriate skills and experience:

  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience of charity fundraising and finance practices.
  • Knowledge of charity SORP.
  • Competent use of IT skills.
  • Proven ability to communicate and explain financial information to members of the Board and other stakeholders.
  • Analytical and evaluation skills, demonstrating good judgement.
  • Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship.

Commitment up to two days per month, term 3 years, renewable. Trustee meetings are held four times a year, normally in York and London. The Hon Treasurer is also a key member of the Resources Committee which meets at least three times a year, usually in York.

For further details and for an informal conversation about the role please contact Dr Mike Heyworth MBE, CBA Director, on 01904 671417 or by email at

Closing date for nominations: Friday 20 July 2018
All trustee nominations for election at the 2018 AGM must be received by 30 August 2018.