Church Buildings Adviser – Diocese of Bath & Wells

Editor News

£32,000 per annum
Full-time, Permanent
Based in Wells, Somerset

The Diocese of Bath & Wells is seeking someone to support people in local parishes to develop their buildings as living places of mission for their communities.

In this role you will be responsible for:

  • Providing expertise on the use, adaptation and maintenance of church buildings as places of worship, mission and growth
  • Supporting and inspiring churches in the creative development of their building, including exploring greater community use and change of use
  • Helping churches address maintenance and repair issues, including advice and support on obtaining funding

Its churches want to make the best use of their buildings and have good ideas but often don’t have the practical expertise to put their vision into practice. Your support and signposting to resources will give them the confidence to ensure that their buildings are properly maintained in the short-term and help them to have the vision to imagine how their buildings might be adapted for the church of the future.

For further information and to apply please click here.

Closing Date: Sunday 28 April 2019
Interviews:  Monday 13 May 2019